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The first descent begins from the
most photographed part of Zagori.
This is not any other but the bridge
of Papigo, 1 kilometer from Aristi on
the way to Papigo. You will follow a
green route in Voidomatis gorge and
the route finishes in the bridge of
Klidonia. We would dare to say that
this is how we imagine paradise!

When you reach the end of the route,
you will be impressed by seeing the
enormous platans covering the sky
and then perhaps some of you will
agree that this is what paradise
must be like. The descent can also

be done by kayak, monoraft or inflatable boat. The length of the route
is 5 km and the duration of the adventure is about 1,5 hour. Previous
experience is not necessary as the water is not impetuous. Therefore,
you have no excuse not to attempt it!


The second descent addresses people who
love this sport and have excellent knowledge
and experience. The route begins from Vovousa
and finishes in Vrisohori. It is a route whose
main characteristic is the big degree of difficulty
and the big length of the descent, which is about
27 kilometres. The duration of the route is
about 7-8 hours and it can be done only by
kayak or monoraft. Finally, we should say that
excellent fitness, perfect knowledge of all the
techniques of descent, as well as previous
experience in rivers of 4th and 5th degree
difficulty are necessary. The funs of kayak say
that it is a route where the beauty of the nature
will capture you and the landscape will surely
compensate for the effort of the 7-hour descent
more than you think.

And the third descent addresses people
who worship this sport and have excellent
knowledge and experience. The route begins
from the bridge of the forest street Vrisohori
- Palioseli and finishes in Konitsa. This route
is identical with the second route since it is
its continuation (of course for those that
think they can bear 52 km at once(!) the
second and third route become automatically
Consequently, it is a route whose main
characteristics are the big degree of difficulty
and the big length of descent, which is about
25 kilometers. The duration of the route is
about 7 hours and it can be done only by
kayak or monoraft. Finally, we should say
that excellent fitness, perfect knowledge of
all the techniques of descent, as well as
previous experience in rivers of 4th and 5th
degree difficulty are necessary.
The funs of kayak say that it is a route where the beauty of the nature
will capture you and the landscape will surely compensate for the effort
of the 7-hour descent more than you think.